SYNS Science Slam 2024

The third SYNS Science Slam is taking place at the Joint Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Neurosurgery (SSNS) and the Swiss Society of Neuroradiology (SSNR) on Friday, 21.06.2024 in Interlaken.

Eligibility Criteria
  • All neurosurgical residents or young attendings (max. 3 years) currently working or trained in Switzerland.
  •  First or second author of an original work published in a peer reviewed journal as from January 2022.
  • Abstracts / Applications have to be submitted via the official Abstract platform of the meeting HERE.
Terms & Conditions
  • Among all applicants, 6 final candidates will be selected to present their paper in a short talk at the SYNS Science Slam Session (Friday, 21.06.2024) during the Joint Annual Meeting of the Swiss Societies of Neurosurgery and Neuroradiology in Interlaken, June 20 - 21, 2024.
  • The finalists are requested to present their original work in a generally understandable and entertaining way. The quality of the scientific work as well as the degree of entertainment provided shall be valued.
  • The winner will be chosen among the final candidates by a special Science-Slam-Jury.
Science Travel Grant prize

The sponsored travel grant of CHF 1'500.00 is intended to support the winner in attending a scientific meeting of his/her choice by covering travel and related meeting expenses.