General information

Venue | Format | Opening Hours | Language | Badges | Confirmation of Participation


Congress Kursaal Interlaken
Strandbadstrasse 44
3800 Interlaken


Planned as a fully in-person meeting

Opening Hours

Congress Secretariat

Thursday, 20.06.2024       08:45-19:00
Friday, 21.06.2024             07:15-17:00

Industrial Exhibition

Thursday, 20.06.2024      09:15-17:30
Friday, 21.06.2024            07:45-17:00


Main presentations: English
Free communications: English, German or French
Slides: English
IG-NOPPS: German


Participants will receive their personal congress badge at check-in. The badge is valid for the duration of the meeting and must be worn at all times in order to gain entry into the meeting room and the exhibition area.

Confirmation of Participation

Attendants will receive an electronic confirmation of participation per e-mail after completing a questionnaire regarding the scientific content and the organization of the meeting.